Thursday, July 17, 2008

7/12 - 7 miler in CP

Day of the long run. I am usually apprehensive of whether I will be able to do this much distance. I have never run 7 miles before.

I was hanging out with Bia the previous night and we got quite drunk on a mix of Sangria and champagne. The champagne was courtesy a generous patron at the neighboring table of the restaurant where we were having dinner. We managed to strike up a conversation with him and the guy asked the waiter to bring us dessert and wine when he left. Maybe he was glad to have some company while he was dining alone, maybe he was too tipsy. We were quite surprised and overwhelmed at his welcome-to-the-neighborhood gesture.

Bia promised that she would join me for the long run. I am glad she did because I slept right through the alarm and woke up when she called. We started earlier than usual to beat the heat. The course was the 6 mile loop in CP and a 1.5 mile loop of the reservoir on the way. Bia did the first mile and the reservoir loop with me. She ran surprisingly well inspite of being away from running for a few months. It was good fun to pace with her. After the loop I asked her to return to the Asha tree and I proceeded for to complete the 6 mile loop. I was running on my own (which is boring) and made frequent stops for water. I completed the run at a leisurely 12-13 mpm pace.

Tentative route flicked from

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